Swaed O&M services aim to support oil & gas production facilities from wellhead to manifold, encompassing the entire asset lifecycle. We stand out for our “full responsibility approach” to field activities in terms of oil & gas production, including oil & gas plant operation and maintenance, shutdowns/turnarounds, expansions and facility debottlenecking. Integrated services define and develop on-site maintenance and project management, resulting in production efficiency and optimised overall project lifecycle costs. Revamping, debottlenecking and improvement, modification, enhancement projects can be executed smoothly, either on the entire facility or on individual sections or specific equipment, using an EPC approach.
With professional employees whom have more than 15 years of experience in different oil fields location as DPOC in Palouch, Adar, Gumry Moleeta, ALgablin and Heglig oil fields. our teams consist of local Sudanese workers trained and worked more high trade and safety standards, supervised by experts drawn from Petrodar operating company and GNPOC. no matter how remote. We go beyond merely running your equipment, we continually analyze its functioning with a view to optimizing energy efficiency.
Our objective is to help you maximize your facility’s profitability, as well as ensuring its reliability and safety.